Secret of the White Rose (Detective S...
Stefanie PintoffThe murder of Judge Hugo Jackson is out of Detective Simon Ziele's jurisdiction in more ways than one. For one, its high-profile enough to command the attention of the police commissioner. The judge was presiding over the trial of Al...
Stefanie Pintoff's acclaimed and award-winning debut is the taut historical tale of Detective Simon Ziele, a man who lost his fiancee in the 1904 General Slocum ferry disaster and thereafter flees New York City for Dobson, New ...
The careers of New York City detective Simon Ziele and his former partner Captain Declan Mulvaney went in remarkably different directions after the tragic death of Ziele's fiancee in the 1904 General Slocum ferry disaster. Although bo...
In the Shadow of Gotham ($9.99 Ed.)
Stefanie PintoffStefanie Pintoff's acclaimed and award-winning debut is the taut historical tale of Detective Simon Ziele, a man who lost his fiancee in the 1904 General Slocum ferry disaster and thereafter flees New York City for Dobson, New ...