With One Last Breath and The Dead Place, Stephen Booth has taken his place both among "the elite British crime writers" and as a master of psychological suspense. Now Detective Constable Ben Cooper and Detective Sergeant Dia...
Set in Derbyshire, England, this book from British crime novelist Stephen Booth explores the inner workings of revenge, in the form of a harrowing police procedural. Mansell Quinn has spent the last 13 years in prison. Now, freshly re...
Already Dead: A Cooper & Fry Mystery ...
Stephen BoothSome sins won't wash away . . .A summer of endless rain in the Peak District leaves the officers of Derbyshire's criminal investigation department with a problem. They have discovered a man's body lying in shallow water, but torrentia...
Dead and Buried (Cooper & Fry)
Stephen BoothDS Ben Cooper comes closer to death than he ever has before in the 12th Cooper & Fry caseBrutal acts of firestarting have ravaged the Peak District, and now a new wave of moorland infernos sweeps across the national park. For DS Ben...
The Murder Road: A Cooper & Fry Myste...
Stephen BoothFor fans of Broadchurch, Louise Penny, and Peter Robinson comes a spellbinding new novel from internationally bestselling author Stephen BoothWelcome to the picturesque English village of Shawhead, where there's one road in and one ro...