The author of The Emperor of Ocean Park, with the powers of observation and richness of plot and character, returns to the New England university town of Elm Harbor, where a murder begins to crack the veneer that has hidden the racial...
"Carter twists plotlines like pretzels while wryly skewering America's wealthy intellectual elite."–PeopleJohn Grisham called Stephen L. Carter's first novel, The Emperor of Ocean Park, "beautifully written and clever...
Years ago, Oliver Garland--an African-American judge--was nominated to the Supreme Court, but was unable to accept because of a shocking scandal. Now he is dead, and one of his legacies is another scandal, the details of which are enc...
The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln
Stephen L. CarterFrom the author of the best sellers The Emperor of Ocean Park and New England White, an electrifying, provocative new novel that asks the question: What would have happened had Lincoln not been assassinated?Stephen Carter's thrilling ...