Die a Stranger: An Alex McKnight Nove...
Steve HamiltonA plane lands in a deserted Upper Peninsula airstrip one night, and five dead bodies are found the next morning. The evidence suggests that not only are these murders the beginning of something bigger, but that Alex McKnight's friend ...
Let It Burn (Alex McKnight Series)
Steve HamiltonEven though Alex McKnight swore to serve and protect Detroit as a police officer, a trip to Motown these days is a trip to a past he'd just as soon forget. The city will forever remind him of his partner's death and of the bullet stil...
Stolen Season, A: An Alex McKnight No...
Steve HamiltonWhile enjoying the July 4th fireworks on the edge of Lake Superior on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Alex McKnight and his former partner come to the aid of three men caught in the wreck of an antique wooden boat, a rescue that draws Ale...
Blood Is the Sky (Alex McKnight Serie...
Steve HamiltonWhen a fire is done, what's left is only half-destroyed. It is charred and brittle. It is obscene. There is nothing so ugly in all the world as what a fire leaves behind, covered in ashes and smoke and a smell you'll think about every...