Armageddon's Children (The Genesis of...
Terry BrooksIn the first volume in a new fantasy series, in a futuristic world in which civilization hovers on the brink of total collapse, evil forces control the ruins of the former United States, killing and enslaving the survivors, until Loga...
The Gypsy Morph (Genesis of Shannara)...
Terry BrooksEighty years into the future, the United States is a no-man's-land: its landscape blighted by chemical warfare, pollution, and plague; its government collapsed, its citizens adrift, desperate, and fighting to stay alive. Survivors in ...
This is the fourth book in the Landover series. Ben Holiday, a former lawyer who purchased the kingdom, runs into his old rival, Horris Kew, who absorbed Ben’s identity back in the "real" world. It seems that Horris&rs...
Fifth Book in the Magic Kingdom of Landover series Former Chicago lawyer Ben Holiday was proud and happy. And why not? The Magic Kingdom of Landover, which he ruled as High Lord, was finally at peace, and he and his wife, the sylph Wi...
OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB...Everything should have been quiet and pleasant for Ben Holiday, the former Chicago lawyer who became sovereign of the Magic Kingdom of Landover. But it wasn't.Horris Kew, conjurer, confidence-man, and trickste...
The Elves of Cintra (The Genesis of S...
Terry BrooksAcross the ruined landscape that is America - hopelessly poisoned, plague-ridden, burned, and besieged by demon armies bent on exterminating all mortal life - two pilgrims have been summoned to serve the embattled cause of good. Logan...
Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold! (Lando...
Terry BrooksBook One in the Magic Kingdom of Landover Series Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement promised. But after he purchased it, Ben Holiday learned that there were a few details the ...
Fifth Book in the Magic Kingdom of Landover series Former Chicago lawyer Ben Holiday was proud and happy. And why not? The Magic Kingdom of Landover, which he ruled as High Lord, was finally at peace, and he and his wife, the sylph Wi...
Bearers of the Black Staff (Legends o...
Terry BrooksThe Genesis of Shannara trilogy – Armageddon's Children, The Elves of Cintra, and The Gypsy Morph – charted the fall of our own world into the hands of once-men and demons…and the escape of a few humans, Elves, and others into a...
It all began when the half-able wizard Questor Thews announced that finally he could restore the Court Scribe Abernathy to human form. It was his spell that had turned Abernathy into a Wheaten Terrier - though still able to talk. All ...