European Travel for the Monstrous Gen...
Theodora GossIn the sequel to the Nebula finalist The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter, Mary Jekyll and the rest of the daughters of mad scientists from literature embark on a madcap adventure across Europe to rescue another monstrous gi...
In the Forest of Forgetting showcases such stories as 'The Rose in Twelve Petals,' 'The Rapid Advance of Sorrow,' 'Lily, With Clouds,' 'In the Forest of Forgetting,' 'Sleeping With Bears' and many more, with an introduction by Terri W...
The Strange Case of the Alchemist's D...
Theodora GossBased on some of literature's horror and science fiction classics, this "tour de force of reclaiming the narrative, executed with impressive wit and insight" (Publishers Weekly, starred review) debut is the story of a remark...