Mantra Meditation for Attracting Rela...
Thomas Ashley-FarrandWhat if you could use sacred sound syllables to bring love into your life? On "Mantra Meditation for Attracting and Healing Relationships, Thomas Ashley-Farrand teaches how to use mantras to discover intimacy, create spiritual pa...
Mantra Meditation for Creating Abunda...
Thomas Ashley-FarrandAccording to Vedic tradition, the term "abundance embraces both physical wealth and spiritual growth. Now you can learn to make your life more abundant at every level with "Mantra Meditation for Creating Abundance. Using fiv...
Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmat...
Thomas Ashley-FarrandMantras are sacred sound syllables from the Vedic tradition. For thousands of years, they have been used to promote inner healing, spiritual development, and beneficial effects in the world around us. Thomas Ashley Farrand's Healing M...