The World Is Flat: A Brief History of...
Thomas L. Friedman"One mark of a great book is that it makes you see things in a new way, and Mr. Friedman certainly succeeds in that goal," the Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote in The New York Times reviewing The World Is Flat in 2005...
Longitudes and Attitudes: The World i...
Thomas L. FriedmanCollects the twice-weekly columns by the Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs writer for the New York Times as published since September 11 to document the nation's emotional and analytical responses of the attacks and their afterma...
Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist...
Thomas L. FriedmanA field guide to the twenty-first century, written by one of its most celebrated observersWe all sense it―something big is going on. You feel it in your workplace. You feel it when you talk to your kids. You can't miss it when you r...