Brunella, an accomplished Seattle architect, stumbles upon a a web of family secrets, while struggling to help her aging father protect his beloved vineyard during a drought that is ravaging the Pacific Northwest and investigating the...
In 1935, the Spokane police regularly extorted sex, food, and money from the reluctant hobos (many of them displaced farmers who had fled the Midwestern dust bowls), robbed dairies, and engaged in all manner of nefarious crimes, inclu...
The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the...
Timothy EganIn THE WORST HARD TIME, Timothy Egan put the environmental disaster of the Dust Bowl at the center of a rich history, told through characters he brought to indelible life. Now he performs the same alchemy with the Big Burn, the larges...
Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher: T...
Timothy EganEdward Curtis was dashing, charismatic, a passionate mountaineer, a famous photographer—the Annie Liebowitz of his time. And he was thirty-two years old in 1900 when he gave it all up to pursue his great idea: He would try to captu...