Haunted Hollywood: Tinseltown Terrors...
Tom OgdenHaunted Hollywood brings together more than two dozen stories about historic landmarks, theaters, watering holes, hotels, and houses that are haunted by movie stars, television personalities, and other celebrities. Some of the tales a...
Haunted Chicago: Famous Phantoms, Sin...
Tom OgdenAmong this country's many treasures is the city of Chicago, an area filled with creativity and culture. Haunted Chicago, a collection of stories of ghosts, mysteries, and paranormal happenings in Chi-Town, will leave readers delight...
Haunted Hotels: Eerie Inns, Ghoulish ...
Tom OgdenHaunted Hotels comprises more than two dozen tales of ghosts, unexplained phenomena, and other spooky happenings at hotels, inns, and rooming houses across America and around the world. Tom Ogden, author of four other books in the Hau...
Haunted Washington DC: Famous Phantom...
Tom OgdenWashington, DC can make a legitimate claim to being the most haunted city in America. With its rich history and the parade of passionate, colorful characters that have walked its streets over the past two centuries, it’s amazing the...