Owning a small portion of the Trinidad earth and a respectable house of his own is the dream and the reality sustaining Mohun Biswas through a life of frustration and despair after he marries into the domineering Tulsi family. Reprint...
In the 'brilliant novel' (The New York Times) V.S. Naipaul takes us deeply into the life of one man—an Indian who, uprooted by the bloody tides of Third World history, has come to live in an isolated town at the bend of a great rive...
This novel by a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature takes us deeply into the life of one man who comes to live in an isolated African town at the bend of a great river, a place caught between the dangerously alluring modern world ...
This novel by a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature takes us deeply into the life of one man who comes to live in an isolated African town at the bend of a great river, a place caught between the dangerously alluring modern world ...
A Writer's People: Ways of Looking an...
V. S. NaipaulIn his first book of nonfiction since 2003, the Nobel Laureate gives us an eloquent, intimate exploration into ways of looking and feeling and how they alter the configuration of the writers world.
The autobiographical novel of a journey from the British colony of Trinidad to the ancient countryside of England.