The Darwin Awards II: Unnatural Selec...
Wendy NorthcuttWelcome to the next evolution in humor. PIn the spirit of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, The Darwin Awards II: Unnatural Selection brings together a fresh collection of magnificent misadventures, honoring those who continue ...
The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Des...
Wendy NorthcuttThe Darwin Awards 4 commemorates those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it, showing us just how uncommon common sense can be! Meet the absentminded terrorist who opens a mail bomb returned to him for insufficient ...
The Darwin Awards : Evolution In Acti...
Wendy NorthcuttThe Darwin Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it, showing us just how uncommon common sense can be. Meet the absentminded terrorist who opens a mail bomb returned to him for insufficient po...
The Darwin Awards 5 commemorates those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it, showing us just how uncommon common sense can be! Meet the absentminded terrorist who opens a mail bomb returned to him for insufficie...