A fictional account of the conspiracy behind alien presence on Earth traces the decades-long manipulation of human bloodlines in a small Kentucky town by a group of aliens, an effort that terrifies nine-year-old Conner when he struggl...
As the mysterious date of December 12, 2012 arrives, a strange alien presence bursts out of sacred sites all over the world and begins to rip human souls from their bodies, plunging the world into chaos.
This searing new novel from bestselling author Whitley Strieber explores the unthinkable but very real possibility: Could terrorists get nuclear weapons?
This searing new novel from bestselling author Whitley Strieber explores the unthinkable but very real possibility: Could terrorists get nuclear weapons?
Bestselling thriller writer Whitley Strieber explores what might happen if alien-human hybrids---who would think like aliens, but appear human---invaded the earth.