Natalie Chambers is a successful artist who, after her divorce, impulsively buys a Victorian house overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Immediately, she begins to dream of Sarah and Beth, two lovers from the past and the Dark Man who contro...
The Awakening: Book One of the Sister...
Yvonne HeidtSunny Skye, a psychic medium, is the head investigator and founder of Sisters of Spirits, a paranormal society dedicated to helping others understand what they can't see. She is excellent at finding ghosts but finds it difficult to co...
The Quickening: Book Two of the Siste...
Yvonne HeidtTiffany Curran has the ability to read places and people by touch, and although it's a gift she uses to help people, it's also a curse that prevents her from having much human contact. She tries to keep life simple, but that all chang...