
BookLender's phone number is 888-919-6168. Office hours are from 8:30am to 5:00pm EST Monday - Friday. Please search the Help Center for answers to most questions before calling.
BookLender offers multiple membership plans to meet your needs for both Paperbacks and Audiobooks. Membership plans are based on the number of books you can have checked out at a time. This is not the number of books you are limited to each month. There are no limits on the number of books you can rent, only on the number of books you can have checked out at any given time.
BookLender uses the most advanced encryption method available and does not store your credit card number. It's actually safer to use your credit card on the BookLender website than in a restaurant or store!
Book members are required to return the same number they receive in each order (book members will find a return mailer tucked neatly in one of the books). We do allow members to send back different titles from different orders. If book members fail to return the correct number of titles, there will be a delay until the correct number is received. Audiobook orders are shipped individually and simply need to be returned in the same mailer they were received in. All returns are processed the same day BookLender receives them.
If you currently have an odd number of books checked out, there will be a delay in the shipment of your next order. For example, if a 4 at-a-time book member has 3 books checked out, their next order of 2 books will not ship until at least one more book has been returned.

Discrepancies can occur for a variety of reasons, like sending one book back when two should have been sent, or a scanning error when your return was received. In most cases, the Report Problem link on your Orders page can resolve the issue.
After signing up, browse the Web site and add titles to your queue by clicking the red Add button. We automatically ship the number of titles your membership plan allows. The remaining titles in your queue will be queued up for future orders. We recommend keeping at least 10-15 titles (this does not include titles that have not been published yet or are older, rare titles) in your queue at all times for the greatest enjoyment of our service. You may keep the book(s) as long as you'd like, there are no due dates or late fees. When we receive books you have returned in the provided prepaid return mailer, we automatically generate and ship your next order.
BookLender's mailing address is 44225 Mercure Cir, STE 160, Sterling, VA 20166.
When you first add titles to your queue, the system will automatically generate orders until you have the maximum number of titles checked-out your membership allows. The additional titles you add to your queue will be queued up for future orders. When BookLender receives your returned books, the system automatically generates your next available titles into an order. Because inventory continuously fluctuates, books are selected from your queue based on priority and availability. If the system does not find enough available titles to generate your next order, it checks the inventory of our distributor and takes the first available title(s) it finds and places an order. Books that are ordered from our distributor arrive within 24-48 hours and are shipped to you the same day.
Please use the Report Problem link located next to each of your current orders on your Orders page. You will be able to report paperback titles as BookLender shipped this title but I never received it after 14 days from the day they shipped, 7 days for audiobooks. You will be able to report paperback titles as I returned this title but BookLender never received it after 28 days from the day they shipped, 14 days for audiobooks. The reason for these ranges of days is due to the inconsistency in the mail delivery times.
Because the sequence of a series is not always known to BookLender, we created the Set Shipping Sequence function. Simply click on the gray unlocked padlock associated with a title you would like to ship AFTER another title of your choice.
BookLender is committed to keeping your personal information private, safe, and secure. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, the most advanced encryption method available today, to protect all of the account information.
Rare Books are titles BookLender has very limited inventory of and are no longer available through distribution. Normally there is a very long wait for Rare Books.
Your Queue is the key to your subscription. When you find a title you want, click the red Add button and the title will automatically be added to the end of your queue. We automatically ship the number of books your membership plan allows. When we receive your return, we automatically ship the next available selection(s), and so on. You can add up to 500 titles to your queue, remove titles from your queue, and change the order of your queue at any time. We recommend keeping at least 10-15 books on your queue at all times so we always have titles to send you.
We ship the first available title(s) to insure members receive the maximum number of books (audiobooks) each month. New orders are generated based on the order of your queue and availability at the time the order is generated. When we receive your returns, our system automatically generates your next order by starting the top of your queue selection the first 1, 2, or 3 available books on your queue, depending on your membership plan. If the first book on your queue is currently not in stock the system will proceed to the second, third, fourth, and so on until it finds enough available books to fulfill you next order.
If someone already has a monthly, annual, or semi-annual membership, a gift certificates can be purchased in $25 increments for that person. The gift certificate can then be applied by the recipient to their membership fees. To purchase a gift certificate for an existing BookLender member, simply use the Buy/Activate Gift link at the top of any page, then click the Buy Gift Certificate link.