A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity: A Mem...
Bill O'ReillyThe year was 1957, the month September, and I had just turned eight years old. Dwight Eisenhower was President, but in my life it was the diminutive, intense Sister Mary Lurana who ruled, at least in the third-grade class where I was ...
Based on three years of research and reporting as well as 850 interviews with sources, many of whom have never before spoken for publication, Oprah is the first comprehensive biography of one of the most influential, powerful, and adm...
American on Purpose: The Improbable A...
Craig FergusonIn American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson delivers a moving and achingly funny memoir of living the American dream as he journeys from the mean streets of Glasgow, Scotland, to the comedic promised land of Hollywood. Along the way he st...
Celebrated as Â"the most remarkable talk-show host on TV everÂ" by TV Guide and Â"master of the mikeÂ" by Time magazine, for a half-century the worldÂ's most influential figures have been telling their story t...