The Black Swan: The Impact of the Hig...
Nassim Nicholas TalebA black swan is an event, positive or negative, that is deemed improbable yetcauses massive consequences. In this groundbreaking and prophetic book, Talebshows in a playful way that black swan events explain almost everything aboutour...
Inside the Box: A Proven System of Cr...
Drew Boyd"The 'inside-the-box approach' can reveal key opportunities for innovation that are hiding in plain sight" (Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive).The traditional attitude toward creativity in the American business world is to &qu...
Screw Business As Usual: Turning Capi...
Richard BransonFrom the trailblazing founder and CEO of the Virgin Group, a powerful argument for using business to make a positive impact in the world. Richard Branson, one of the world's most famous and admired business leaders, argues that it's t...