Cork Dork: A Wine-Fueled Adventure Am...
Bianca Bosker"A marvelous journey through the mad, manic, seductive subculture of wine and wine lovers." –Susan Orlean"The Kitchen Confidential of wine." –Madeline Puckette, Wine Folly"I loved this book." -Mary ...
Appreciating Whisky: The Connoisseur'...
Phillip HillsAppreciating Whisky offers the reader detailed, structured knowledge on how to develop his or her palate for whisky. Readers are first taken on a detailed tour of how whisky is produced, what each of its constituents and each of the s...
Wine for Beginners: The Ultimate Wine...
Janelle JalbertWine is truly the world in a glass, without the travel hassles. However, it can be overwhelming with differences in wine terminology and traditions. Wine for Beginners takes the guesswork out of any wine occasion, allowing you to deco...
Wine and Climate Change: Winemaking i...
L. J. Johnson-BellClimate change is changing the way winemakers make wine. Once temperate grape-growing regions are growing hotter, challenging winemakers to produce high quality wines in unfamiliar ways. Many of the negative effects of climate change ...
The Accidental Connoisseur: An Irreve...
Lawrence OsborneHis prose has a pleasing, gentle flow, with eddies of humor and yeastiness; Osborne displays a hungry mind....He takes the showboats down a peg, but he isn't a self-conscious iconoclast, just an odd fellow looking for a mouthful of ha...