The No Spin Zone: Confrontations with...
Bill O'ReillyThe popular broadcaster--and best-selling author--pulls no punches in his comments on the famous guests and the issues raised by their visits to his program. Visits from George W. Bush, Senator John McCain, Dan Rather, Al Sharpton, an...
Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Sca...
Michael IsikoffThis behind-the-scenes account of the march to war in Iraq uncovers base motives and unseemly behavior at the highest levels of government. Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff and Nation writer David Corn are unsparing in their portrait...
These observations on politics and American life--from the popular television commentator--are terse, acerbic, and sometimes witty. Considered by some to be right-of-center, O'Reilly calls them the way he sees them, and he is no defen...