
211-240 of 464

Tom Sawyer Detective

Mark Twain

Tom Sawyer is back, and he's looking for adventure, as usual. This less-well-known tale of Tom's exploits is narrated by Huck Finn, who recounts their trip by river steamer to visit Aunt Sally in "Arkansaw." When the boys en...

Unabridged CD
Published: Apr 2010

The Idiot

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The chief thing is that they all need him' -thus Dostoyevsky described Prince Myshkin, the hero of perhaps his most remarkable novel. As the still, radiant center of a plot whose turbulent action is extraordinary even for Dostoyevsky,...

Abridged CD
Published: Aug 1995

The Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer

'Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, a collection of narratives a frame story, written between 1387 and 1400, tells of a group of thirty people from all layers of society who pass the time along their pilgrimage to Canterbury by telling s...

Unabridged CD
Published: Mar 2004

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Ray Bradbury

A masterpiece of modern Gothic literature, Something Wicked This Way Comes is the memorable story of two boys, James Nightshade and William Halloway, and the evil that grips their small Midwestern town with the arrival of a 'dark carn...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Oct 2007

The Man Who Loved Children

Christina Stead

With an Introduction by Randall Jarrell. Sam and Henny Pollit have too many children, too little money, and too much loathing for each other. As Sam uses the children's adoration to feed his own voracious ego, Henny watches in bleak d...

Published: Jul 2001

A Way of Life, Like Any Other

Darcy O'Brien

A young boy in Hollywood struggles to comprehend his parents, sadly aging ex-movie stars who haven't a clue about bringing up children, and to make his own way in a bizarre world. Originally published in 1977, the novel takes place in...

Published: Aug 2001

Mr. & Mrs. Bridge

Evan S. Connell

This audio production features the famous Hollywood couple who starred in the award-winning movie, Mr. & Mrs. Bridge: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Evan S. Connell's saga of marriage, family, and middle age on the plains of Protest...

Abridged CD
Published: Oct 2007

Dracula (Classical Literature with Cl...

Brian Cox

Bram Stoker's classic novel of suspense and horror was a bestseller in Britain when it was published in 1897. A late 20th-century biographer of Stoker has suggested that famed Victorian actor Henry Irving, for whom Stoker worked for m...

Abridged CD
Published: Apr 1997

Justine (The Alexandria Quartet, I)

Lawrence Durrell

The time is the eve of the World War II. The place is Alexandria, an Egyptian city that once housed the world's greatest library and whose inhabitants are dedicated to knowledge. But for the obsessed characters in this mesmerizing nov...

Abridged CD
Published: Jul 1995


William Faulkner

First published in 1931, this classic psychological melodrama has been viewed as more of a social document in his tragic legend of the South than mere story. From Popeye, a moonshining racketeer with no conscience and Temple Drake, b...

Published: Dec 1993

Delta of Venus

Anais Nin

A new edition of the classic selection of entertaining, poetic, and erotic stories ranges from lyrical love to high comedy and deals with such subjects as the exotic pleasures of Paris in the 1930s and a woman's awakening to her sexua...

Published: Dec 1989

The Fall of the House of Usher: The P...

Edgar Allan Poe

Written in the 1840s, this collection of classic horror stories touches upon some of our greatest nightmares, and has retained the power to shock and frighten even now; includes the title stories, as well as "The Black Cat,"...

Unabridged CD
Published: Apr 2003

Swanns Way (Modern Classics)

Marcel Proust

Swann's Way' is not a book to read on the train, skipping over the pages with one eye on the landscape; it is a book of true originality and profundity to the point of strangeness, claiming the reader's attention and even seizing it f...

Abridged CD
Published: Jul 1995

Native Son

Richard Wright

Bigger Thomas is doomed, trapped in a downward spiral that will lead to arrest, prison, or death, driven by despair, frustration, poverty, and incomprehension. As a young black man in the Chicago of the '30s, he has no way out of the ...

Unabridged CD
Published: May 2008

The Return

Joseph Conrad

An intense, psychologically charged domestic drama, The Return is a brilliant and haunting exploration of the insecurities that lie at the heart of human relationships. With a Foreword by Colm Tóibín. When successful businessman Al...

Published: Aug 2004

Classic Women's Short Stories

Katherine Mansfield

A collection of five short stories by influential women writers from the close of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century include contributions from Katherine Mansfield, Kate Chopin, and Virginia Woolf. Read by Liza...

Unabridged CD
Published: Dec 2001

Wise Blood

Flannery O'Connor

Wise Blood, Flannery O'Connor's astonishing and haunting first novel, is a classic of twentieth-century literature. It is the story of Hazel Motes, a twenty-two-year-old caught in an unending struggle against his innate, desperate fai...

Unabridged CD
Published: Aug 2010

Vinegar Girl: A Novel (Hogarth Shakes...

Anne Tyler

Pulitzer Prize winner and American master Anne Tyler brings us an inspired, witty and irresistible contemporary take on one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies Kate Battista feels stuck. How did she end up running house and home...

Published: Dec 2014

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Jules Verne

A mission to rid the seas of a monstrous creature becomes a terrifying nightmare when Professor Arronax, Conseil and Ned Land are thrown overboard. The huge marine animal which has haunted the water is no living beast, but a spectacul...

Abridged CD
Published: Mar 1994

Selected Poems

William Wordsworth

One of the most enduringly popular of the Romantic poets, William Wordsworth epitomized the spirit of his age with his celebration of the natural world and his belief in the importance of feeling. This volume brings together a rich se...

Published: Apr 2005

Madame Bovary

Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary is perhaps the first 'modern' novel.  It has always been the most popular of Flaubert's books, and the character of Emma Bovary, a beautiful young woman longing to escape from her dull husband and the constrictions of ...

Abridged CD
Published: Aug 1999


Djuna Barnes

Djuna Barnes balked at tradition and revolted against the conventional linear development of plot with this slim volume, which has long been considered her masterpiece. The work is an investigation into fin de si'cle decadence and ali...

Published: Sep 2006

Tobacco Road

Erskine Caldwell

Set during the Depression in the depleted farmloads surrounding Augustus, Georgia, Tobacco Road was first published in 1932. It is the story of the Lesters, a family of destitute white sharecroppers debased by poverty to an elemental ...

Unabridged CD
Published: Jan 2000

The Buccaneers (Great Books of the 20...

Edith Wharton

A classic work left unfinished by Edith Wharton has been brought to a successful completion using Wharton's own synopsis, as it chronicles the fortunes of five rich New York girls who travel to England in search of titled husban...

Published: Oct 1994

Time Regained (Remembrance of Things ...

Marcel Proust

TIME REGAINED, the final volume of Proust's great work, covers the years of World War I and its aftermath. Marcel returns to Paris, sees many of the people he once knew (now grown old and grotesque), and finds that the thrice-married ...

Abridged CD
Published: May 2001

The Making of a Marchioness And the M...

Frances Hodgson Burnett

In early 1901, fifteen years after Little Lord Fauntleroy, and ten years before the Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson wrote the Making of a Marchioness. She followed this short novel in the spring of the same year with the sequel, The M...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Mar 2006

The Wapshot Chronicle

John Cheever

THE WAPSHOT CHRONICLE takes place in St. Botolph's, Massachusetts, a fishing village in which a storm causes ferry pilot Leander Wapshot's boat to be damaged. His wife Sarah turns the ferry into a Floating Gift Shoppe, to Leander's di...

Published: Jun 2003

Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale o...

Padraic Colum

Memorable retelling of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, written for younger readers by Ireland's great poet and illustrator, recalls the perilous journey of Odysseus and his encounters with the horrid Cyclops, treacherous Sirens, and evil C...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Oct 2008

The Gambler

Fyodor M. Dostoevsky

The Gambler paints a stark picture of the attractions---and addictions---of gambling. Using skillful characterization, Fyodor Dostoevsky faithfully depicts life among the gambling set in old Germany.

Unabridged CD
Published: Dec 2010

The Power and the Glory

Graham Greene

One of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, in a new edition commemorating its 75th anniversary  Seventy-five years ago, Graham Greene published The Power and the Glory, a moralist thriller that traces a line of influence ...

Published: Mar 2015
  • 211-240 of 464


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