'The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.' -- Mark TwainMark Twain (1835-1910) was the first American writer to capture the unique and colorful vernacular of his country's populace. Instead of striving to perfect any particula...
Orson Welles's remarkable career as director, producer, screenwriter, author, and actor may have caused some to forget his days in radio theater. This set is a wonderful reminder. Welles's marvelous voice, moving in pitch and tone, ...
In this thought-provoking masterpiece, H. G. Wells predicts the invention of the atomic bomb, which inadvertently leads to mass destruction and forces the world to 'start over.
William Stoner is born at the end of the nineteenth century into a dirt-poor Missouri farming family. Sent to a university to study agronomy, he instead falls in love with English literature and embraces a scholar's life. As the years...
The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plai...
Owen WisterOwen Wister's powerful story of the silent stranger who rides into the uncivilized West and defeats the forces of evil embodies one of the most enduring themes in American mythology.
Jeeves and Bertie: The Early Days
P. G. WodehouseFive of the earliest and freshest of the Jeeves and Bertie stories are collected in this volume. The titles are: "Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest," "Leave It to Jeeves," "Jeeves and the Hardboiled Egg," &qu...
Lord Emsworth Acts for the Best: The ...
P. G. WodehouseOne of the greatest comedy writers of all time for classic humor, pure nostalgia, and lovers of farceSince Lord Emsworth first appeared, his shambling gait, incoherent English, and lack of stomach for a fight have persuaded friends an...
Very Good, Jeeves: Vol 2 (Csa Word Cl...
P. G. Wodehouse"The funniest writer ever to put words to paper." —Hugh Laurie The latest Jeeves offering from Martin Jarvis contains five unabridged stories starring Jeeves and Wooster: Jeeves and the Kid Clementia, The Love that Puri...
"A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." First published in 1929, Virginia Woolf's pioneering work on women in literature is an accessible yet fiercely astute essay. It is a crystallizatio...
Perhaps the most autobiographical of Zola's Rougon-Macquart cycle of novels, The Masterpiece is a hard, bleak, and raw portrait of unrecognised artistic genius. Claude Lantier, brother to Nana and son of Gervaise, is a struggling pain...
Time Machine & The War of the Worlds
H. g. WellsThe Time Machine, Wells' first novel (published in 1895) and The War Of The Worlds (1898), comprise two great firsts in the history of science fiction. Respectively, they were the first novels to center around time travel and the firs...
Bartleby The Scrivener and Other Stor...
Herman MelvilleMelville's 'Bartleby' is a classic American short story, a strange tale of an assiduous copyist whose catch-phrase is 'I would prefer not to.' It is joined here by two other stores from 'The Piazza Tales', Melville's idiosyncratic col...
The Classic Sci-Fi Tale of a Visionary Dystopia -- Released in a New Edition on its 75th Anniversary! On the 75th anniversary of its publication, this outstanding work of literature is more crucial and relevant today than ever before...
From the bare abstract, the story does not seem to promise much pleasure to novel-readers, yet it is all alive with the fiery genius of Victor Hugo, and the whole representation is so intense and vivid that it is impossible to escape ...
Sodom and Gomorrah (Remembrance of Th...
Marcel ProustIn CITIES OF THE PLAIN (also known as SODOM AND GOMORRAH), Marcel continues his forays into the aristocratic society into which he has finally been admitted, finding satisfaction but a growing disillusionment as well, and is both fasc...
World of Wonders (Deptford Trilogy)
Robertson DaviesHailed by the Washington Post Book World as "a modern classic," Robertson Davies's acclaimed Deptford Trilogy is a glittering, fantastical, cunningly contrived series of novels, around which a mysterious death is woven. Worl...
Napoleon's presumptuous but unsung hero, the Brigadier Gerard, faces certain death at every turn while outwitting the enemies of France. Duels, espionage, and narrow escapes are all in a day's work for the faithful Gerard.
Self-made American millionaire Christopher Newman arrives in Paris brimming with hope and optimism, excited to experience the culture and, hopefully, find the perfect woman to become his wife. After a chance encounter with American ex...
Can You Forgive Her?: The Palliser No...
Anthony TrollopeYoung, attractive and wealthy, Alice Vavasor is a woman in the prime of her life. And yet one question torments her: What should a woman do with her life?' Torn between the kind but dull Mr Grey and her dangerous and exciting cousin G...