The "action-packed" (Publishers Weekly) new novel in the New York Times bestselling Kurt Austin Adventures… A Japanese cargo ship bursts into flames near the Azores, and a gang of pirates speeds to take advantage of the di...
Four-year-old Laurie Kenyon is kidnapped, raped, and terrorized by Bic and Opal Hawkins, a pair of unrepentant hippies who finally release her after two years of captivity. Laurie is never the same afterwards, developing multiple pers...
Mysterious undersea events lead Kurt Austin and the NUMA team to discover a hideous series of medical experiments, an extraordinarily ambitious Chinese criminal organization, and a secret new virus that threatens to set off a world-wi...
Invisible Man is a milestone in American literature, a book that has continued to engage readers since its appearance in 1952. A first novel by an unknown writer, it remained on the bestseller list for sixteen weeks, won the National...
The Silent Sea (The Oregon Files)
Clive CusslerClive Cussler's tales of the Oregon and its crew-'the clever, indefatigable Juan Cabrillo and his merry band of tough, tech-savvy fighting men and women' (Publishers Weekly)-have made fans of hundreds of thousands of readers. But the ...
A teenage gang comes of age in the 1960s Bronx. Written when the author was twenty-four, this story was the basis for a major feature film.
Black Wind (Dirk Pitt Adventures)
Clive CusslerA father and son team wrote this book, and a father and son team serve as the protagonists of this undersea thriller, part of the Dirk Pitt series. A World War II plan by the Japanese to depopulate the U.S. with a Chinese biological w...
After a literally explosive opening where sniper fire cuts through the chest of an unnamed victim (Swagger?), readers of Time to Hunt are plunged into the final years of the Vietnam War and the struggles of Marine Donny Fenn. Statione...
Crescent Dawn (Dirk Pitt Adventure)
Clive CusslerA priceless treasure recovered. A powerful empire resurrected. Dirk Pitt is on the move.
When Kane and his companions join the islanders in their battle to overthrow the Lemurian sea nation, they must defeat the half-human henchman of a massive creature, lurking in the stygian depths, that is bent on world domination befo...
Graceland (Today Show Pick January 20...
Chris Abani'A richly detailed, poignant, and utterly fascinating look into another culture and how it is cross-pollinated by our own. It brings to mind the work of Ha Jin in its power and revelation of the new.'--T. Coraghessan BoyleThe sprawlin...
POUND OF FLESH In the hostile new world of postnuclear America, there are many ways to die, but few are clean or quick. Long ago Ryan Cawdor and his band threw in their lot togetherto do or die trying. It was a pact sealed in b...
Fire In The Ashes (Zebra Books)
William W. JohnstoneWhile the United States recovers from the war of 1988, Ben Raines, a former mercenary, leads a rebel group in guerrilla warfare against a fascist American government. Reissue.
The Underground Man: A Lew Archer Nov...
Ross MacDonaldAs a mysterious fire rages through an affluent community in Southern California, Lew Archer tracks a missing--and possibly kidnapped--child and uncovers and entire secret history of wayward parents, wounded offspring, and murder. Alon...
Date with Death (Destroyer #57)
Warren MurphyThe heat's on. Bodies are strewn across the Sunbelt. Who they are and where they came from is shrouded in mystery. The casualties are still mounting when Remo and Chiun come to cool things off -- unprepared for the discoveries tha...
The Death Ship tells the story of an American sailor, stateless and penniless because he has lost his passport, who is harassed by police and hounded across Europe until he finds an 'illegal' job shoveling coal in the hold of a steame...