The fantastic land of Amara is recovering from years of war inflicted on its citizens by outside forces–as well as from the spiritual apathy corroding the Amarans’ hearts. With Kale and her father serving as dragon keepers...
In a kingdom where the Old Ways hold fast and a man's worth lies entirely in his skill with the sword, Conor Mac Nir is a scholar, a musician, and a follower of the forbidden Balian faith: problematic for any man, but disastrous for t...
In books 1 and 2 of the Chiveis Trilogy, The Sword and The Gift, Teo and Ana find the Old and New Testaments, which had been lost for centuries. Their discoveries lead to new friendships and renewed faith within a small band of men an...
Fairytales, we've all been told them.Witches and warlocks,Vampires and werewolves. Myths made to keep you awake at night. Children stories.But what about the stories we're not told?What about the stories that are still being written? ...