The Murder of King Tut: The Plot to K...
James PattersonSince 1922, when Howard Carter discovered Tut's 3,000-year-old tomb, most Egyptologists have presumed that the young king died of disease, or perhaps an accident, such as a chariot fall.But what if his fate was actually much more sini...
A secret buried for centuriesThrust onto Egypt's most powerful throne at the age of nine, King Tut's reign was fiercely debated from the outset. Behind the palace's veil of prosperity, bitter rivalries and jealousy flourished among th...
Roman Lives: Coriolanus, Pompey, Caes...
Mestrius Plutarchus'Though he was Greek, Plutarch wrote his Lives in the first century, a world dominated by the Roman Empire. Plutarch's series of biographies was the first of its kind, as much groundbreaking in conception as the Histories of Herodotus...
Justinian's Flea: Plague, Empire, and...
William RosenThe Emperor Justinian reunified Rome's fractured empire by defeating the Goths and Vandals who had separated Italy, Spain, and North Africa from imperial rule. At his capital in Constantinople he built the world's most beautiful build...
Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphs: A Po...
Barbara MertzIn this updated version of the classic of popular Egyptology, Barbara Mertz reveals herself to be the perfect guide to ancient Egypt for the student, the layman, and those who plan to visit---or have visited---the Nile Valley.
The Jesus Discovery: The New Archaeol...
Simcha JacoboviciTabor and Jacobovici have examined a sealed first-century tomb in Jerusalem, where they have found the earliest evidence for a belief in the resurrection of Jesus, based on what appears to be the oldest Christian iconography ever disc...
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Emp...
Edward GibbonBritish parliamentarian and soldier Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) conceived of his plan for Decline and Fall while 'musing amid the ruins of the Capitol' on a visit to Rome. For the next 10 years he worked away at his great history, whi...
The Civil War is Julius Caesar's personal account of his war with Pompey the Great--the war that destroyed the five-hundred-year-old Roman Republic. Caesar the victor became Caesar the dictator. In three short books, Caesar describes ...
America Before: The Key to Earth's Lo...
Graham HancockThis program is read by the author.Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age? Graham Hancock, the internationally bestselling author, has made it his life's work to find out--and ...
The Ruin of the Roman Empire: A New H...
James J. O'DonnellThe heart of the puzzle of Rome's end is presented in a definitive and vivid history by James O'Donnell, renowned historian and the author of Augustine.
The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birt...
Justin PollardFounded by Alexander the Great and built by self-styled Greek pharaohs, the city of Alexandria at its height dwarfed both Athens and Rome. It was the marvel of its age, legendary for its vast palaces, safe harbors, and magnificent lig...
Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold...
Zahi A. HawassAn unprecedented account of one of civilization's greatest achievements.The great pyramids of Giza have intrigued humanity for thousands of years. Questions about the construction and the purpose of these majestic monuments have exist...