The Secret Lives of Codebreakers: The...
Sinclair McKayA remarkable look at day-to-day life of the codebreakers whose clandestine efforts helped win World War II Bletchley Park looked like any other sprawling country estate. In reality, however, it was the top-secret headquarters of Br...
The Reivers: The Story of the Border ...
Alistair MoffatFrom the early fourteenth century to the end of the sixteenth, the Anglo-Scottish borderlands witnessed one of the most intense periods of warfare and disorder ever seen in modern Europe. As a consequence of near-constant conflict bet...
17 Carnations: The Royals, the Nazis,...
Andrew MortonNow in paperback, a meticulously researched historical tour de force about the secret ties among Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, the Duke of Windsor, and Adolf Hitler before, during, and after World War II.Andrew Morton tell...
The Downton Era: Great Houses, Church...
Nancy C. ParrishWho was the most beautiful woman in England in the twentieth century – and why did she become the most hated woman? Who spent £2 million to remodel her house for a king's weekend visit? What country house has a roof that is seven a...
A History of the English Monarchy: Fr...
Gareth RussellIn A History of the English Monarchy, historian Gareth Russell traces the story of the English monarchy and the interactions between popular belief, religious faith and brutal political reality that helped shape the extraordinary jour...
Censoring Queen Victoria: How Two Gen...
Yvonne M. WardWhen Queen Victoria died, two gentlemen were commissioned with the monumental task of editing her vast correspondence. It would be the first time that a British monarch's letters had been published, and it would change how Victoria wa...
The Victorian City: Everyday Life in ...
Judith FlandersThe nineteenth century was a time of unprecedented change, and nowhere was this more apparent than London, which, in only a few decades, grew from a compact Regency town into the largest city the world had ever seen. Technology-railwa...
The Lady in Red: An Eighteenth-Centur...
Hallie RubenholdIn February 1782, England opened its newspapers to read the details of Sir Richard and Lady Worsleys' scandalous sexual arrangements, voyeuristic tendencies, and bed-hopping antics. This lively true history presents a rarely seen pict...