Adventures in Odyssey: Friends, Famil...
Not AvailableAnother great Adventure in Odyssey is underway. After the roller-coaster ride of the Novacom saga, "Friends, Family, Countrymen" is a return to "Normal" life in Odyssey (depending of course on how you define "...
The Big Picture (Focus on the Family ...
Paul HerlingerWhat's a day in Odyssey . . without a sting operation to trace a computer hacker? Or time in prison with a marked man? Or an airborne journey without the plane? As you can see, things are rarely ordinary around Odyssey. But strange a...
Bible Stories for Growing Kids
Francine RiversFrom this gifted mother-daughter team of Francine Rivers and Shannon Rivers Coibion come the Bible stories you'll want to share with the growing kids in your life. Meet thirty important people from the Old and New testaments--some of ...
As a parent and a grandparent, Randy Alcorn knows how important it is to pass along the biblical truths about Heaven. So in Heaven for Kids, Randy has adopted his best-selling book Heaven for a younger generation. He's made all the gr...
The Fun-damentals: Puns, Parables (Ad...
James DobsonAnother exciting collection of Adventures in Odyssey episodes is now available in CD format and repackaged cassette! In "The FUN-damentals, the Odyssey kids manage to get themselves into all kinds of interesting predicaments. But...
The Singing Bible includes 50 original sing-along songs. It sets Scripture to music and includes memorable lyrics and tongue twisters, making understanding the Bible an exciting journey. This collection of 4 CDs is fast-paced and perf...
God's Good News Bible Storybook: Devo...
Billy GrahamNo one has brought the Good News to more people than the Reverend Billy Graham, and the people who admire him span all generations. This Bible storybook will be a timeless classic for parents and grandparents to give to a new generati...