Dawn of Genius: The Minoan Super-Civi...
Alan ButlerThe modern world looks back towards Ancient Greece for the start of its philosophy, for the origins of its science and even for the foundations of its excursion into democracy. But is this either correct or fair? Was there something l...
The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing th...
David WilcockNew York Times bestselling author David Wilcock has become one of the leading writers exploring ancient mysteries and new science. With his latest book, The Ascension Mysteries, David will take readers on a surprising and enthralling ...
There Were Giants Upon the Earth: God...
Zecharia SitchinThe crowning work of the bestselling Earth Chronicles series• Reveals the existence of physical evidence of alien presence on Earth in the distant past• Identifies and describes the demigods, such as Gilgamesh, descended from thes...