Philosophy - Ethics & Moral Philosophy

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The Virtue of Selfishness

Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand here sets forth the moral principles of Objectivism, the philosophy that holds man's life--the life proper to a rational being--as the standard of moral values and regards altruism as incompatible with man's nature, with th...

Published: Nov 1964


Scott Cunningham

Miyamoto Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman, wrote a list of 21 precepts for his favorite student shortly before his own death. In AMERICAN RONIN: THE WAY OF WALKING ALONE, veteran, poet, and "philosopher" Joseph Hall appli...

Published: Sep 2018

Voluntary Simplicity Second Revised E...

Duane Elgin

First published in 1981, VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY was quickly recognized as a powerful and visionary work in the emerging dialogue over sustainable living. Now-more than twenty years later and with many of the planet′s environmental str...

Published: Jan 2010

Bushido: The Way of the Samurai (Squa...

Tsunetomo Yamamoto

In eighteenth-century Japan, Tsunetomo Yamamoto created the Hagakure, a document that served as the basis for samurai warrior behavior. Its guiding principles greatly influenced the Japanese ruling class and shaped the underlying char...

Published: Jan 2003

Best Things in Life

Peter Kreeft

What are the best things in life? Questions like that may boggle your mind. But they don't boggle Socrates. The indomitable old Greek brings his unending questions to Desperate State University. With him come the same mind-opening and...

Published: Jul 1984

Who Am I to Judge?: Responding to Rel...

Edward Sri

"Don't be so judgmental!""Why are Christians so intolerant?""Why can't we just coexist?"In an age in which preference has replaced morality, many people find it difficult to speak the truth, afraid of the...

Published: Feb 2017
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