Philosophy - Movements - Humanism

1-3 of 3

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his seminal work in psychology that challenged the rational model of judgment and decision making, is one of our most important thinkers. His ideas have had a prof...

Unabridged CD
Published: Oct 2011

A Short History of Decay

E. M. Cioran

E. M. Cioran confronts the place of today's world in the context of human history—focusing on such major issues of the twentieth century as human progress, fanaticism, and science—in this nihilistic and witty collection of aphoris...

Published: Nov 2012

You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have To...

David McRaney

An entertaining illumination of the stupid beliefs that make us feel wise. You believe you are a rational, logical being who sees the world as it really is, but journalist David McRaney is here to tell you that you're as deluded a...

Unabridged CD
Published: May 2013
  • 1-3 of 3


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