The Doors of Perception and Heaven an...
Aldous HuxleyTwo classic complete books -- The Doors of Perception (originally published in 1954) and Heaven and Hell (originally published in 1956) -- in which Aldous Huxley, author of the bestselling Brave New World, explores, as only he can, th...
Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living
Allan Lokos"As founder and guiding teacher of the Community Meditation Center in New York, Allan Lokos has an arsenal of tools for coping with stressful situations." - Rachel Lee Harris, New York TimesTo survive the roller-coaster ride of life...
Happy: Why More or Less Everything Is...
Derren BrownEveryone says they want to be happy. But that's much more easily said than done. What does being happy actually mean? And how do you even know when you feel it? Across the millennia, philosophers have thought long and hard about happi...