Failed States: The Abuse of Power and...
Noam ChomskyThe sequel to Hegemony or Survival offers a comprehensive analysis of the foreign and domestic policies of the United States--a global superpower that has long claimed the right to reshape other nations while its own democratic instit...
Trump vs. Clinton: In Their Own Words...
James Patterson"Our commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it."*--Hillary Clinton"She doesn't have strength. She doesn't have the stamina ... I think she's an embarrassment."**--Donald TrumpIn this...
Winning The Future: A 21st Century Co...
Newt GingrichHis followers revere conservative Newt Gingrich for saying things that others are afraid to say and ringing the alarm bells on large issues that otherwise seem to go neglected. As Speaker of the House in the 1990s, Gingrich promoted h...