Political Science - Political Process - Leadership

1-3 of 3

Time to Start Thinking: America in th...

Edward Luce

In Time to Start Thinking, Edward Luce offers an incisive and highly engaging account of America's economic and geopolitical decline. The Washington bureau chief for the Financial Times for the last four years, Luce has traveled the c...

Unabridged CD
Published: Apr 2013

Transforming Leadership

James McGregor Burns

Transforming Leadership focuses on the ways that leaders such as Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Gorbachev emerged from being ordinary 'transactional' deal makers to becoming dynamic agents of major social change who empower their foll...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Mar 2004

Statesman and Saint: The Principled P...

David J. Vaughan

"God has set before me two great objects: the abolition of the slave trade and the reformation of manners." These immortal words penned by William Wilberforce in 1787 were the beginning of his lifelong crusade as a Christi...

Published: Aug 2012
  • 1-3 of 3


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