Religion - Biblical Biography

1-5 of 5

Twelve Ordinary Men

John MacArthur

Pointing to the lives of the disciples - twelve ordinary men through whom God worked extraordinary things - John MacArthur presents a pattern that modern disciples can pattern. In spite of - and sometimes because of - weakness and imp...

Unabridged CD
Published: Mar 2008

Cast of Characters: Common People in ...

Max Lucado

Common people... Story after story marked by scandal, stumble, and intrigue. Who are these people? They're the people of the Bible. And they're us. We find our stories in theirs. We find our hope where they found theirs. In the hands ...

Unabridged CD
Published: Feb 2009

The Nativity Story

Angela Elwell Hunt

A moving novelization of the major motion picture brings to life the extraordinary tale of Mary and Joseph, a miraculous pregnancy, an arduous journey, and the birth of Jesus Christ, based on the scriptural account of the history-defi...

Unabridged CD
Published: Nov 2006

The Nativity Story

Angela Elwell Hunt

A moving novelization of the major motion picture brings to life the extraordinary tale of Mary and Joseph, a miraculous pregnancy, an arduous journey, and the birth of Jesus Christ, based on the scriptural account of the history-defi...

Unabridged MP3-CD
Published: Nov 2006

Cast of Characters: Common People in ...

Max Lucado

Common people ...Story after story marked by scandal, stumble, and intrigue. Who are these people? They're the people of the Bible.And they're us. We find our stories in theirs. We find our hope where they found theirs. In the hands o...

Published: Mar 2010
  • 1-5 of 5


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