Relaxation has a profound effect on health, but the more you try to force it, the harder it is. On Relax Rx: A Self-Hypnosis Program for Health and Well-Being, hypnosis and mind-body medicine expert Dr. Steven Gurgevich gives us his e...
Hypnotize Yourself to a Worry-free Li...
Made for SuccessTake control of your own life and health now using the power of your own mind! A lot of people wonder, ''Can I be hypnotized?'' The truth is EVERYONE can be hypnotized. Here America's #1 self-hypnosis coach, Crystal Dwyer, coaches y...
A superb high quality hypnosis CD combining powerful hypnotherapy techniques with state of the art digital recording technology. From the Best selling Diviniti Publishing Hypnosis range which regularly features in the top 20 of the Ne...
Deep Sleep (Diviniti) (Diviniti)
Glenn HarroldOvercome the stressful problem of insomnia with this superb, high quality hypnosis CD by Glenn Harrold. Insomnia and sleep problems are often caused by stress, anxiety and having a busy mind at the end of the day. Hypnotherapy is uni...
Mega Mind Power: Hypnotize Yourself f...
Made for Success[Includes a bonus DVD and a PDF workbook]Relax yourself to a state of higher mental performance! Could you use an extra boost of brain power? This breakthrough audio program is designed to help you get your mind into an enhanced learn...