Addict In The Family: Stories of Loss...
Beverly ConyersThrough compelling testimonials, along with the latest research and information on addiction and recovery, Conyers combines a personal and compassionate voice with one of authority. She takes a step even further revealing her own daug...
Welcome to My World. a Week in the Li...
Mary Crocker CookHave you ever wondered what really happens in rehab??Welcome to My World was written by psychotherapist and chemical dependency counselor, Mary Crocker Cook, to answer the question, "What really happens in rehab?" from a co...
The Heart of Addiction: A New Approac...
Lance M. DodesNobody has had an answer for why people with addictions continue to repeat them -- until now.For more than twenty years, distinguished psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes has been successfully helping people master their addictions -- alcoho...
"I Want My Life Back is not a pretty story--but it's beautifully told and absolutely compelling. The book's cover features a portrait of author Steve Hamilton. You'd guess his age to be somewhere in his late 60's. Guess again. He...