Authors Brian Tracy and Mark Thompson offer the listener a seven-step method to achieve greater business success in any market. They bring a combined 50 years of practical experience consulting, training and teaching their ideas to ov...
Sales Success: The Brian Tracy Succes...
Brian TracyEighty percent of all sales are made by just twenty percent of sales people. What's surprising to discover is that those top professionals perform only a bit better than their peers in certain critical areas. By excelling in these cap...
At Zero: The Final Secret to "Zero Li...
Joe VitaleAuthor Joe Vitale's previous book, Zero Limits, presented a unique self-help breakthrough focused on helping overworked, overstressed individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. It was the first book to explain how a secre...
People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It!...
Larry WingetThe Pitbull of Personal Development® and New York Times bestselling author is back with advice on the dumb things people do to sabotage their success. What do people really want? They want what they've got. IIt's a simple formula....
Success is Your Own Damn Fault
Larry WingetThe bestselling author of You're Broke Because You Want to Be, known as The Pitbull of Personal Development® and The World's Only Irritational Speaker®, Larry Winget isn't interested in stroking egos, telling trite parables, o...
Master Successful Personal Habits: Zi...
Zig ZiglarIn the world of personal development, motivation, public speaking and sales, there will never be another Zig Ziglar (1926-2012). His infectious sense of humor, his masterful story-telling skills, his uncanny ability to inspire, and hi...
The Little Book of Safe Money acts as a guide for those trying to make their way through a down market. The topics covered include everything from investing behavior (why our minds come with their own set of biases that often prove ha...