Social Science - Folklore & Mythology

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Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg: Searchi...

Jack Roth

Discover the paranormal legacy of one of America's most celebrated historical sites. Based on scores of investigations conducted at the battlefield, Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg presents a wealth of fascinating Civil War history and c...

Published: Oct 2014

Celtic Mythology: The Nature and Infl...

Ward Rutherford

This is a lively and absorbing account of the world of Celtic myth and the role it has played in the development of western culture. Included here are:

Published: May 2015

Foxfire, Wolfskin and Other Stories o...

Beautiful, rich short stories, drawing on myth and folklore to bring to life women's remarkable ability to transform themselves in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances. 'A book for all the wild women ...Foxfire, Wolfskinis...

Published: Jul 2020
  • 1-3 of 3


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