Social Science - Sociology Of Religion

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Letter to a Christian Nation

Sam Harris

'Thousands of people have written to tell me that I am wrong not to believe in God. The most hostile of these communications have come from Christians. This is ironic, as Christians generally imagine that no faith imparts the virtues ...

Published: Jan 2008

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poison...

Christopher Hitchens

Now available as a value-priced edition! Christopher Hitchens, described in the London Observer as 'one of the most prolific, as well as brilliant, journalists of our time 'takes on his biggest subject yet--the increasingly dangerous...

Unabridged CD
Published: May 2007

The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian...

Ranya Idliby

A groundbreaking book about Americans searching for faith and mutual respect, The Faith Club weaves the story of three women, their three religions, and their urgent quest to understand one another.After September 11, Ranya Idliby, an...

Unabridged CD
Published: Apr 2012
  • 1-3 of 3


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