The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventu...
Bill BrysonThe hilarious and loving sequel to a hilarious and loving classic of travel writing: Notes from a Small Island, Bill Bryson's valentine to his adopted country of England In 1995 Bill Bryson got into his car and took a weeks-long far...
Every Day in Tuscany: Seasons of an I...
Frances MayesIn this sequel to her New York Times bestsellers Under the Tuscan Sun and Bella Tuscany, the celebrated "bard of Tuscany" (New York Times) lyrically chronicles her continuing, two decades-long love affair with Tuscany's peop...
An entertaining memoir of the author's adventures and experiences as an expatriate living in Paris describes the life and times of young British man brought to Paris by a French company to open a chain of British tea rooms, detailing ...
Lunch in Paris: A Love Story, with Re...
Elizabeth BardIn Paris for a weekend visit, Elizabeth Bard sat down to lunch with a handsome Frenchman-and never went home again.Was it love at first sight? Or was it the way her knife slid effortlessly through her pavé au poivre, the steak's pink...
For the tourist or the armchair traveler comes a unique combination of travel and foreign language instruction that could only be offered on audio. Includes walking tours of each area plus a CD of essential phrases in the country's la...
In His Seventh Voyage of Discovery, Michael Palin Reads His Own Account of a Journey into a New Europe! Michael Palin: New Europe starts with a simple idea: that only a couple of hours from home is a half of Europe that is for him a...
Ireland - Culture Smart!: The Essenti...
John ScotneyThe island of Ireland is famous for its timeless beauty, the variety of its landscape, its quiet towns and lively cities, the poetic and literary genius of so many of its citizens, its music and folklore, and its colorful and bloody...