Soon after the end of World War II, a disillusioned veteran and U.S. Army major named Aldred Leith travels to a Japanese island, hoping to understand the impact of the war on the place. Meanwhile, his friend Peter Exley is investigati...
IIt's the 1980s, and Margaret Thatcher is Britain's PM. A Henry James scholar named Nick Guest, just down from Oxford, is staying with his friend Gerald at the posh home of Gerald's father, a Tory member of Parliament. There he befrie...
In this black comedy by an Australian, set in Texas, Vernon, a poor-white 15-year-old, is accused of perpetrating the high-school massacre that was actually the work of his friend, Jesus, who dies in the process. Panicked, Vernon take...
The year is l854. In Paris, Francisco Solano -- the future dictator of Paraguay -- begins his courtship of the young, beautiful Irish courtesan Ella Lynch with a poncho, a Paraguayan band, and ahorse named Mathilde. Ella follows Franc...
Max Morden is an aging art historian whose wife has recently died of cancer. In his grief, he takes a trip to the seaside, to the "rubble of the past," where he and his family spent holidays as a child. Here grief and memory...