A Town Called Fury 1: Town Called Fury by Graphic Audio Paperback Book


Rent A Town Called Fury 1: Town Called Fury

Author: Graphic Audio

Format: Unabridged-CD

Publisher: Graphic Audio

Published: Apr 2010

Genre: Fiction - Westerns - General

Retail Price: $19.99


From legendary William W. Johnstone comes an exciting new saga of the American frontier town called Fury, built smack dab in the middle of the untamed Arizona Territoryand the only man who can give Fury a fighting chance The last thing Jason Fury wants is to lead this wagon train west to California. Hell, he just wants to head back east, where a smart young man like himself has a real shot at a better life. But halfway across Oklahoma the wagon train is attacked by bloodthirsty Commanche, and Jedediah Furythe leader of the settlers, and Jasons fatheris counted among the dead. Before he knows it, Jasons leading the wagons into Arizona Territory, where the squabbling settlers decide to stop for good and start a town theyll name Fury in honor of Jedediah. Its going to be a hardscrabble life, what with the ruthless Apaches always on the attack and the harsh country theyve chosen. Jason knows he cant just leave these defenseless pioneers to be slaughteredamong them a certain young lady hes taken a real shine to...

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