An Intimate Life: Sex, Love, and My Journey as a Surrogate Partner by Cheryl Cohen-Greene Paperback Book


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Author: Cheryl Cohen-Greene

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Soft Skull Press

Published: Jan 2013

Genre: Biography & Autobiography - Personal Memoirs

Retail Price: $15.95

Pages: 224


For the past forty years, Cheryl Cohen Greene has worked as a surrogate partner, helping clients to confront, consider, and ultimately accept their sexuality. In this riveting memoir, Cohen Greene shares some of her most moving cases, and also reveals her own sexual coming-of-age. Beginning with a rigid Catholic upbringing in the 1950s, where she was taught to think sex and sexual desires were unnatural and wrong, Cohen Greene struggled to reconcile her sexual identity.

As the 1960s presented social upheaval and the Sexual Revolution, Cohen Greene found herself drawn to alternative sexual paths, and ultimately achieved a rich and rewarding career as a surrogate partner. Sex surrogacy as a profession was first developed by noted sex researchers Masters and Johnson in the 1960s, and since its inception has remained in the shadows. An Intimate Life offers a candid look into the personal and professional life of a surrogate partner, examining the cultural and emotional ramifications of pursuing something most people do not immediately understand.

The memoir opens with Cohen Greene's work with Berkeley-based poet and journalist Mark O'Brien, who was confined to an iron lung after contracting polio at age six. His short essay "On Seeing A Sex Surrogate" has

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