Format: Paperback, Paperback
Publisher: St Martins Pr
Published: May 2007
Genre: Fiction - General
Retail Price: $18.99
Pages: 352
Claudia is 35 years old and happily married--or so she thinks. Claudia doesn't want children, and when she got married she was pretty sure that her husband, Ben, didn't either. But now Ben has changed his mind, and the rift between them is fast becoming insurmountable. Claudia gets divorced, moves into a college friend's house, and starts the single life all over again--but when she hears that Ben has found someone else, she's not so sure she made the right decision. This novel is 30-something chick lit with a twist: all the witty banter and romantic quirks, but revolving around the issue of what life is like when you're sure you don't want kids.
This isn't the best Emily Giffin book out there (Something Borrowed and Something Blue are much better), but it's still an enjoyable read. This will strike a chord with all professional women out there that are apprehensive about the idea of having a baby. I had so much anxiety while reading this book that I had to flip to the end to see what happens (trust me, I never do this). But overall a good book, but didn't find the same connection with the characters as her other books.