Format: Unabridged-CD, Unabridged-MP3, Abridged-CD
Publisher: Jove Books
Published: Dec 1969
Genre: Fiction - Fantasy - Dark/horror
Retail Price: $8.99
Pages: 432
A favor for a friend puts Anita Blake in the center of a full-blown scandal that threatens master vampire Jean- Claude's reign—and makes her a pawn in an ancient vampire queen's new rise to power.
Gees people, I grant you this is not nearly as good as the first Anita Blake novels, but the series has been going on for a long time. It wasn't nearly as bad as Danse de Macbre. If your a fan of the short busty Anita, give it a read, just don't expect the early glory days to return any time soon. Personally, all I'm hoping for in each new book is that Ms. Hamiton finally fines some means of permanently sh**canning the eternally annoying Richard. It has not happened yet, but she teases me enough to think that some day soon it just may happen