Caught Stealing by Charles Huston Paperback Book


Rent Caught Stealing

Author: Charles Huston

Format: Paperback, Unabridged-CD

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Published: May 2005

Genre: Fiction - Suspense

Retail Price: $18.00

Pages: 288


Hank Thompson was a first-class high-school ballplayer--until he fractured his ankle sliding into third base, ending his prospects for a career in the majors. Instead, he becomes a bartender with a humdrum but easy life. When he agrees to cat-sit for a friend, things suddenly change. For some reason, Hank is the target of some impressively gifted hoodlums who have no qualms about torturing him for what he can tell them. If only Hank knew what it was....

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BookLender review by Susan on 2008-03-27 19:13:08

Wow - this novel grabs you by the throat and drags you along for one heck of a ride. If I hadn't had to leave for work, I would have read it in one sitting, but it took 2 instead. The violence is a little much for my taste, but after a while it seems almost necessary for the plot. After seeing Hank endure and endure for more than half the book, he finally makes things happen instead of letting them happen to him. And at that point you MUST read to the end. I especially like the voice of the book - I find it appealing and different. One reviewer called it edgy. I agree.