Deadly Edge: A Parker Novel by Richard Stark Paperback Book


Rent Deadly Edge: A Parker Novel

Author: Richard Stark

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Published: Sep 2010

Genre: Fiction - General

Retail Price: $17.00

Pages: 230


Deadly Edge bids a brutal adieu to the 1960s as Parker robs a rock concert, and the heist goes south. Soon Parker finds himself—and his woman, Claire—menaced by a pair of sadistic, drug-crazed hippies. Parker has a score to settle while Claire's armed with her first rifle—and they're both ready to usher in the end of the Age of Aquarius.

"Richard Stark's Parker novels . . . are among the most poised and polished fictions of their time and, in fact, of any time." — John Banville, Bookforum

"The Parkers read with the speed of pulp while unfolding with an almost Nabovokian wit and flair." — Richard Rayner, Los Angeles Times

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