Dutch III: International Gangster by Teri Woods Paperback Book


Rent Dutch III: International Gangster

Author: Teri Woods

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Published: May 2011

Genre: Fiction - General

Retail Price: $14.99

Pages: 288


It's one month before Dutch's trial for what the media has deemed "the Month of Murder," Roc and Angel are locked up, and Craze is now the commander in charge. After coming into contact with Joseph Odouwo, Kazami's very rich and powerful relative, Craze is immediately on alert. However, Odouwo has other plans that may put all of their lives at risk. Craze can't resist a stake in Odouwo's very successful billion-dollar diamond trade, and reluctantly takes Odouwo up on his offer, hoping that he didn't make a decision he will soon regret.

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BookLender review by Chavelle on 2011-10-19 09:56:28

Teri Woods is an author which I have been a fan of since the beginning. The last sequal is a very good read and you will enjoy every moment of the story.