Flames of Arousal by Ruth D. Kerce Paperback Book


Rent Flames of Arousal

Author: Ruth D. Kerce

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Ellora's Cave

Published: Apr 2011

Genre: Fiction - Romance - Adult

Pages: 260


Flames of Arousal, by Ruth D. Kerce Book 3 in the Xylon Warriors series. Halah Shirota lives by her own rules. She's turned against her people and has been captured as a sex slave on the Sand Moon. Escape without help will be impossible. Xylon Warrior Kam Nextor needs Halah's military knowledge to help destroy Marid's weaponry system and save his planet from annihilation. While fighting enemies, feelings of distrust and time itself, Halah and Kam discover respect and intense attraction. In the end, those emotions must be enough to save them...or everyone will perish.

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