General Butterfingers by John Reynolds Gardiner Paperback Book


Rent General Butterfingers

Author: John Reynolds Gardiner

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)

Published: May 2007

Genre: Children & Young Adults Fiction - Humorous Stories

Retail Price: $7.95

Ages: 08 - 12

Pages: 84


Eleven-year-old Walter can't believe his eyes when he sees the eviction notice from Ralph, the rotten nephew of his old friend, General Britt. It isn't so bad for Walter and his mother, who also lives there—she would have no trouble finding another housekeeping job to support them both. But what about the old soldiers, the last surviving members of the crack World War II rescue force called the Spitzers, who saved the general's life more than forty years before?
This warmly humorous novel shows two very different generations banding together to outwit a cunning adversary in order to see justice and honor prevail!

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