Hoops by Walter Dean Myers Paperback Book


Rent Hoops

Author: Walter Dean Myers


Publisher: Ember

Published: Dec 1969

Genre: Children & Young Adults Fiction - People & Places - United States - African American

Retail Price: $10.99

Ages: 12 - 17

Pages: 192


All eyes are on seventeen-year-old Lonnie Jackson while he practices with his team for a city-wide basketball Tournament of Champions. His coach, Cal, knows Lonnie has what it takes to be a pro-basketball player, but warns him about giving in to the pressure. Cal knows because he, too, once had the chance--but sold out.

As the Tournament nears, Lonnie learns that some heavy bettors want Cal to keep him on the bench so that the team will lose the championship. As the last seconds of the game tick away Lonnie and Cal must make a decision. Are they willing to blow the chance of a lifetime?

From the Paperback edition.

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